Black Women's Roundtable is officially global. Launch of the East African Women's Roundtable (EAWR) Nairobi Kenya

Black Women's Roundtable is officially global. Launch of the East African Women's Roundtable (EAWR) Nairobi Kenya.
No Decisions About Me, Without Me.
Black Youth Vote (BYV) Event

Black Youth Vote (BYV)
Our youth has a grasp on what is at stake
They are Vote Ready!
2023 Orlando Bus TouR

.Orlando Power of the Ballot Bus Tour
The Rain and Storm will Push Us to Justice!
#Power Of The Ballot
FCBCP Power of the Ballot campaign seeks 1 million Black Floridians to vote in 2024
2023 HCBU Bus TouR

BWR of Orange Count Presents A Masquerade Ball
FCBCP Newsletter Volume 1
VP Harris Visit On 50th Anniversary of Roe vs Wade

How "second chance" laws could transform the US justice system
More than 30 million people in the US are eligible to have their arrest and conviction records cleared -- but most people who qualify either can't afford it or simply don't know it's an option. In this gripping talk, second chance advocate and 2023 Audacious Project grantee Sheena Meade makes the case for "clean slate" laws that streamline this complicated process, increasing access to work, housing and education opportunities for millions of people. Learn how her team at the Clean Slate Initiative has already helped pass these laws in six US states and how they're now working to unlock record clearance for millions more, so everyone can get a true shot at becoming their best selves. (This ambitious plan is a part of the Audacious Project, TED's initiative to inspire and fund global change.)

(l to r) Melanie Campbell, National Convener, Black Women’s Roundtable; Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee; Avis Jones-DeWeever, Ph.D. Editor-In-Chief, 2018 BWR Report; Joy Reid, Host Am Joy MSNBC

The Florida Coalition of Black Civic Participation is proud that our members and supporters are women and men of all degrees of social status, positions, and standings in society - from unsung heros to A-List celebrities.
How has BWR impacted your life as a woman?
By giving me a sense of empowerment and increasing my ambition. Giving me satisfaction in helping others. Teaching me the importance of civic engagement.
It has given me the tools I need to grow into leadership.
Growth in every area of my life, spiritual, community advocacy, SiStar circle of amazing women
Knowledge and a Great Support System
Made me know how important it is to be a Activist
This organization has done so much for my life and family in all aspects of the many issues that we are facing in our homes , churches and communities. It has kept me stable during my difficult times. Very supportive and so great being being a part.
The importance of my folk starting @ the local level .
BWR has educated me on issues that are effecting my community and allows me to be a part of the solution.
It made me aware of how important the voting process during the local and national. It made me realize that being a part of BWR with our that women play an important role in our community and I will always be a sister.
I am confident and we black women are powerful steadfast and
BWR has impacted my life by allowing me to speak and fellowship about current issues such as voting and community service
BWR has been very informative and uplifting.
Better informed, discuss and question more, a need to do more.
New drive of wanting to be apart of the community
I feel included in important conversations.
Accepting me into the BWR space "as is" with the only intent being to make my life better and the community that I live in better.
BWR has helped me to understand what true advocacy looks like.
Humility, social collaboration, respect to others, caring
It has open my eyes to a lot of things
BWR has empowered me to be more active in my community and not be afraid to get into some good trouble I have also been educated on many meaningful social issues and the importance of staying plugged in inorder to ensure that I am knowledgeable of legislation that not only impact me individually but my family, generation and community as a whole.
It has given me a view into the broad spectrum of issues directly impacting the social, financial, health and spiritual issues Black women face on a daily basis. Not only a view into the window but viable solutions presented by experts in the various fields related to those areas.
BWR has allowed me to see how women are freedom fighters of justice for our families and communities of color. Bwr has trained me to under the political landscape of political agendfas of legislators and how to agigate the lawmakers until they see the people. I have atttended many BWR conference and training and because of that training, BWR prpeared me for the position that I now hold as Deputy Director of Faith in Florida.
gave me more confidence
Being a part of BWR I learned so Much about Supporting Each Other And How We Can Make A Difference in Our Community
Definitely Empowerment! With groups of women with likeness of mind and a mission for community outreach, the impact is enormous. Not just for me individually, but communities atlarge.
Allow me to be involve with black women who rea concern about the black community and are willing to do something about changing the community for the better.
The BRW encourage me to step up to the plate, and make my dreams to become a reality
I am proud to be apart of this group of phenomenal women who are speaking up for those who have no voice.
Words cannot express how much BWR has impacted my life. But I have gratitude.
Made me a person who want to make lives better especially Black people right's and help as live better
Solidarity / a sorority where you don't have to go through the line 😂
Helping empowering Our Community and making Cultural changes
Being in a room with other successful abs power black women keeps me encouraged. It allows me to know I am moving in the right direction of entrepreneurship
In a positive way
Being a part of a strong group of women has, aided in allowing and encouraging me to be an active change in my community and help to have hard honest conversations with my family and myself..
Awareness on issue and health
Be part of meetings, summit, zoom meetings impact my life and others women around africa
BWR has educated me about activism, how to access the needs of our community and how to address the needs through responsible stewardship and teamwork.
More awareness and involvement
Made me know with God all things is possible, strength courage and power to make you strong and with what ever you want to do
I learned the power of voting and as soon as I turned 18 years old but BWR taught me how to become more Civically Engaged about issues that impacts Women of Color (all women), Children & Men's lives in a big way. I learned how to "Use My Voice" as a vehicle to share with others about the Power they possess and how to use that power in a positive way to help their lives, the power of Paying It Forward and working together to make more of an impact in our Community and the surrounding Communities.How has BWR impacted your life as a woman?
By giving me a sense of empowerment and increasing my ambition. Giving me satisfaction in helping others. Teaching me the importance of civic engagement.
It has given me the tools I need to grow into leadership.
Growth in every area of my life, spiritual, community advocacy, SiStar circle of amazing women
Knowledge and a Great Support System
Made me know how important it is to be a Activis

Desmond Meade is President of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, a collection of organizations and individuals working to end Florida’s felony disenfranchisement law.

February 28, 2020
February 6, 2020
December 2, 2019
November 19, 2019